Educational openness can boost innovation

By Cheng Danhong | China Daily
Updated: 07:27 AM (GMT+8) March 19, 2024

Education, especially openness in education, plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of a nation. And given China's rapidly evolving global engagement, the need for further openness in the education sector couldn't be more urgent. As China navigates unprecedented shifts and chasms in the global landscape and embarks on the journey to achieve national rejuvenation, Chinese universities find themselves at the forefront of promoting China's higher education sector globally.

At the heart of China's strategy of educational openness lies the mission to promote innovation-driven high-quality development, characterized by robust global cooperation. Despite the significant progress made in this regard, there is still room for sharpening the competitive edge of China's higher education sector. While the gross enrollment rate in higher education reached 60.2 percent in 2023, indicating China has reached the stage of massification of education, challenges remain in terms of original academic output, industrial application of the results of research in cutting-edge technologies and measures in attracting top global talents.

To address these challenges, Chinese universities, particularly those in Shanghai, should leverage their regional features and ensure their policies are in line with global trends. By integrating advanced resources from across the globe and continuously providing better, even world-class, education, these institutions can forge a pattern of open cooperation and development. Of course, that would entail proactive engagement with global partners, alignment with projects like the Belt and Road Initiative, and the promotion of collaborative networks to boost knowledge exchange.

Deepening global cooperation is key to promoting innovation and facilitating the high-quality development of different disciplines. So Chinese universities must develop a global perspective in their pursuit of scientific and technological advancement, and collaborate with top-tier institutions globally to establish academic communities at the forefront of knowledge production.

Shanghai University has made serious efforts to integrate into the global innovation network, thereby boosting its research capability by developing advanced technology and interdisciplinary studies, building and consolidating global research platforms to promote innovation, and creating innovative models for collaboration between domestic and foreign educational institutions.

Simultaneously, the cultivation of global talents has become a priority for China in its efforts to take forward its agenda of educational openness. As China competes on the global stage, talents become the ultimate determinant of success. So universities need to instill a sense of patriotism among students, help them learn the ropes and develop a global perspective needed to gain competency in cross-cultural affairs and acquire global leadership. Institutions should also help expand students' horizons, facilitate knowledge exchange with overseas partners and foster a culture of global citizenship.

In practical terms, this would require the establishment of a global talent cultivation system, comprising elements of training, learning and practical experience. Chinese universities, particularly those in Shanghai, have made significant strides in this regard, forging partnerships with leading global institutions and facilitating student exchange programs and internships on a global scale. Such initiatives not only enhance students' academic and professional development but also cultivate a competent workforce capable of driving China's future growth.

Adhering to the "going out" policy and adopting a comprehensive approach to "training, learning, internship, and practical experience", universities have established distinctive global education programs, which should help expand students' vision, make them more competent and competitive, enhance their overall quality and raise their innovation capacity.

Shanghai University has collaborated with 58 of the world's top 200 universities for mutual credit recognition, facilitating overseas student exchange programs. In fact, for the past two years, Shanghai University students have been selected for internship at different United Nations organizations, which will cultivate globally competitive young talents.

Also, universities should develop localized international education models, by "bringing in" expertise, putting education resources in the local context across three fields — specialized courses, international faculty and campus culture — expeditiously building a global curriculum system, aligning course content with global standards, and working out a seamless global education model from the bachelor's to the doctoral degree.

They should also recruit highly qualified faculty members from abroad, help them conduct high-level research in collaboration with leading universities worldwide to boost the innovation capacity of Chinese universities, and organize global cultural and academic events to foster an internationalized atmosphere on the campus.

There is also a need to cultivate talents from among international students studying in China, so they can serve as China's "ambassadors" and narrate China's stories globally. In this regard, Shanghai University, by offering high-quality specialized courses for foreign students, aims to nurture international students who understand and love China, so they can present a credible and adorable image of China to the world. As a matter of fact, an animated cartoon, titled The Song of New China, created by a Turkmenistan student at Shanghai University, went viral online, garnering 164 million views, including a large percentage from abroad.

Openness is the anchor of Chinese education's global engagement strategy, offering a path to enhanced competitiveness, innovations and collaborations on the world stage. As Chinese universities embark on the journey of internationalization, they must seize the opportunities presented by globalization and overcome the challenges inherent in cross-cultural exchanges and cooperation. By nurturing global talents, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration, and embracing digital innovation, Chinese universities can position themselves as leading global institutions, driving forward China's vision for educational excellence and global leadership.

The author is secretary of the Party committee of Shanghai University.

The views don't necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

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