Multinational firm execs laud Xi's keynote remarks at 4th CIIE (II)
Updated: 07:38 AM (GMT+8) Nov 5, 2021

Dan Brindle, President of Novartis Group (China)

President Xi's speech again demonstrates China's firm determination to continue its opening-up journey. China has been carrying out higher-level opening-up with the pursuit of "win-win" collaboration, which is set to bring new vigor to the global economy. I believe China will be even more open, the business environment will be even better and opportunities will be even bigger for companies like Novartis.

Da Hongfei, CEO of Onchain

President Xi Jinping's speech is insightful and inspiring. Economic globalization represents the trend of history. CIIE has become a major platform for global enterprises to explore and expand in China. Answering the changing circumstances and new requirements, we are trying to continually optimize global value and supply chains through blockchain and other high-tech technologies to jointly foster market demand.

Xi mentioned China will remain resolute in expanding high-level opening-up, sharing development opportunities with the world. As entrepreneurs, when conducting global business communication we deeply feel it is a future-oriented step to embrace the world and promote common development.

Our efforts are not only for ourselves, but also for our country to remain a strong engine of global growth, a big market with enormous opportunities and an active supporter of global governance reform. At the same time, we hope to promote economic globalization in a more open, inclusive and win-win direction.

Greg Holman, president of Stryker China

President Xi Jinping emphasized at the opening ceremony of the CIIE, "Despite profound changes and a severe pandemic, China's determination of expanding high-level opening-up, sharing development opportunities with the world and making economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all will not change." I deeply agree with this. Despite the challenges of the epidemic, China still demonstrates its determination to expand high-level opening-up to the world while ensuring people can live in safety. Participating in CIIE for the first time, Stryker looks forward to embracing the Chinese opportunity and will introduce more global advanced products into the Chinese market.

Stryker has driven to make healthcare better and refresh patients' lives from the very beginning via advanced technology. Since our entry into China in 1985, we commit to the strategy of "in China, for China" and strive for introducing advanced medical technology to benefit more Chinese patients and help improve lives. Today, China plays an increasingly important role in Stryker's business and our devotion into China has also increased. We will keep supporting CIIE, continue to increase our investment in China and bring innovative products to Chinese market.

Felix Gutsche, Global Senior Vice President of Boehringer Ingelheim, China President & CEO

I am impressed by the determination President Xi demonstrated in his opening speech to "unswervingly open up to a higher level". In recent years, China has made remarkable progress in accelerating the approval of new drugs, continuously improving the business environment and trade facilitation measures. As an international company, we benefit from and believe in open borders, open trade and a level playing field.

The CIIE has become a window to showcase China's opening-up, and the spillover effect is significant. We participate in the CIIE for the third consecutive year and our innovative exhibits have turned into commercial products in an accelerated way. With the spillover effect, Boehringer Ingelheim has also evolved into an investor on top of an exhibitor.

At this year's CIIE, we will stage the global and Asia debuts of multiple innovative products and services. We will also announce an investment plan in the field of stroke rehabilitation in western China. This project is a strategic partnership we've clinched via the CIIE platform.

The China market is one of Boehringer Ingelheim's key growth engines. The successful CIIE and the strategic positioning on reform and opening-up at a higher level have further strengthened our confidence in increasing investment in the China market.

George Ye, Vice President and General Manager of Edwards Greater China:

President Xi Jinping's important speech at the opening ceremony of the 4th CIIE underlined China should seize the momentum of economic globalization, support countries in opening-up wider and help usher in a better future for mankind. The speech strengthened Edward's confidence in further development in China in the future.

In the speech, President Xi emphasized China has been giving foreign investment greater market access and a continuously improving business environment. China is one of Edwards' important strategic markets. As the global leader in medical innovations for structural heart disease, as well as critical care and surgical monitoring, Edwards will seize the new development opportunities brought by the expansion of opening-up to bring in more innovative products and cutting-edge technologies to benefit more Chinese patients.

In the future, Edwards will continue to respond to China's call for the development of scientific and technological innovation, and benefit Chinese patients with more, better, and higher-quality innovative products and treatment plans, to help "Healthy China 2030".

Sandy Hao, Managing Director of SGS China:

This year is the fourth year for SGS to participate in the expo, and we are inspired by President Xi Jinping's speech on China's commitment to be resolute in expanding high-level opening up, sharing development opportunities with the world and making economic globalization more open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial for all.

As a global service provider of testing, inspection and certification, SGS has entered the China market for 30 years and helped numerous Chinese companies align with international standards, and also foreign companies to meet Chinese domestic market entry standards.

We think CIIE is not only a stage for us to release the most cutting-edge technologies and services, but also a window to understand the dynamics of the cutting-edge market. For example, in recent years, we have successively invested in a GMP life science laboratory, 5G testing laboratory, semiconductor ultra-trace analysis laboratory and other testing capabilities, which are new capacities in line with the national development strategy and market demand.

This year, SGS will bring green, innovative and high-quality low-carbon sustainable service solutions to the CIIE. We look forward to making more new friends here.

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