China offers anti-virus assistance to 89 countries

Updated: 04:23 PM (GMT+8) March 26, 2020
Some 130 tons of protective gear is unloaded from an Austrian Airline airplane that arrived from China at Vienna Airport in Schwechat, Lower Austria on Monday. The cargo is bound for Italy. GEORG HOCHMUTH/AFP

BEIJING -- China has provided assistance to 89 countries and four international organizations to fight against the novel coronavirus, the China International Development Cooperation Agency (CIDCA) said Thursday.

A new round of aid implementation programs is currently being prepared, Deng Boqing, deputy head of the CIDCA, said at a press conference held in Beijing.

"China's anti-virus external assistance is the most intensive and wide-ranging emergency humanitarian operation since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949," Deng said.

Chinese medical workers and supplies have been sent to 28 Asian countries, 16 European countries, 26 African countries, nine countries in the Americas and 10 countries in the South Pacific, he noted.

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